Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just Keep Swimmin'

The month of July absolutely flew by here!  We had a fun visit to my parents for a few days; we did a ton of swimming; we kept very busy with my MOMS Club; went to outdoor concerts and movies; and did a fair amount of babysitting.  The month couldn't help buy fly by quickly!  I can't say it's been an overly Fun summer, but we have done a lot of normal summer things that have been enjoyable. 

We've been struggling quite a bit with a few extreme behaviors with Lucas.  A lot happened all at once in May...the obvious of our failed adoption, and then also a lot of normal school-year activities ending.  So whether Lucas has displayed normal 3-yr old behaviors, or has not handled our lack of routine very well, or has gone through grief right along the rest of us...or more likely a combination of all 3.  No matter what the cause, he has displayed a lot of anger and aggression toward us that we've been working through.  NOT fun...I've seen slight improvement to last week or 2, which is hopeful. 

The last week, we've been doing respite care for 2 extra kiddos while my sister and BIL are out of town, and although we do not have the kids all the time due to visits with their parents, it has been so much fun, and I see glimpses of what a house full of kids could be!  No doubt Lucas has shown great improvement in his behavior while they've been there.  Granted, they've been getting a long, which make a huge difference :).  But, it's just been fun to have them all here.  Being a mom of an only child is not always easy! Certainly some things are easier, but I constantly have to encourage Lucas to play, get into his toys, etc.  With the other kids around, he just plays!  I can see our house that way; I can imagine being a mom to many how to get to that point? We're still not sure, but it just feels right, so we keep praying for God to open our minds and open the right doors for us. 


  1. You guys have been in my thoughts. I hope God fills your house with little ones someday soon. I know what you mean about being a mom to an only. I worry about David growing up without brothers or sisters.

  2. Thanks, hon. You've been in my prayers as well...thinking about you during your wait this week and next...praying for miraculous results!
